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Federal Estate Taxes

How Much Estate Tax Might You Owe?

If upon your death the total value of your estate is less than the applicable exclusion amount, no federal estate taxes will be due.

Taxes are an important consideration in distributing your estate because the money your estate pays in taxes will not be available to your heirs. Each estate is allowed a federal estate tax exclusion, an amount that can pass transfer-tax-free, either through lifetime gifts or at death. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended the federal estate tax with a top tax rate of 40 percent. In 2023, only estates valued at $12.92 million (or $25.84 million for some married couples) or more may be subject to the federal estate tax. If upon your death the total value of your estate is less than the applicable exclusion amount, no federal estate taxes will be due.

You can use this calculator to estimate the taxable value of your estate and the approximate amount of federal estate taxes that could be owed.

Based on your estimates, these hypothetical results show the amount of federal estate taxes that could be owed on your estate.

Skip Table Information
Your Results
Description Amount
Net value of estate $0.00
Deduct federal estate tax exclusion $0.00
Taxable value of estate $0.00
Multiply by federal estate tax rate 0.00%
Estimated federal estate tax due $0.00
Estimated amount to heirs and other beneficiaries $0.00

Are you comfortable with the amount you could pay in federal estate taxes? Keep in mind that many states and the District of Columbia have their own estate or inheritance taxes, or both, and many have exclusions less than the federal exclusion. There are steps you may be able to take to help reduce your estate tax burden. Review your individual situation and develop a strategy to help reduce your estate tax liability and leave more money to your heirs.

How Much Will You Leave Your Heirs?

This is only an estimate of the federal estate taxes that could be owed on your estate.

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//<![CDATA[ var Formula = 'A = a-b; B = 12920000; C = Math.max(0,A-B); D = .40 * 100; E = (C*D) / 100; F = A-E; G = b;'; var Validate = function () { return true; } var Questions = [ new Question('Gross Value of Estate (in dollars):
(Included in the gross estate are items such as real estate, stocks and bonds, insurance on the decendent\'s life, annuities, and miscellaneous property.)', null, 'a', null, null, null, null, 1, {defaultvalue: 14920000, slidervalues:[0,15000000,25000000,35000000]}), new Question('Allowable debts, expenses, deductions (in dollars):
(Allowable debts are only valid debts owed by the decedent at the time of death. Allowable expenses may include funeral costs and expenses incurred in administering certain property. You may be able to deduct charitable bequests and certain losses that occur during the settlement of the estate.)', null, 'b', null, null, null, null, 1, {defaultvalue: 1000000, slidervalues:[0,1000000,2000000,3000000,4000000]}) ]; var Answers = ['$A', '$B', '$C', '%D', '$E', '$F']; var ChartTitle = 'Move mouse over chart to view details'; var ChartType = 'pie'; var ChartLabels = ['Allowable Debts, Expenses & Deductions', 'Federal Estate Taxes', 'Amount Remaining For Heirs']; var ChartData = [["Allowable Debts", 'G'], ["Federal Estate Taxes", 'E'], ["Amount Remaining For Heirs", 'F']]; initCalc(); var dd = new Date(); $Gid('this_year').innerHTML = dd.getFullYear(); //]]>